Liquid glass is quite popular among designers and creative people involved in needlework. This material is easy to work with and allows you to decorate different types of surfaces with its help. To buy liquid glass you should contact a shop for household or construction purposes. A good imitation of liquid glass is to use silicate adhesive, but the texture of the glass is stronger and harder. Availability will be required to decorate the surface as the bottom of the sea:
- a deep container;
- liquid glass;
- plastic seashells or all kinds of marine decorations;
- marine fish;
- acrylic paints.
First, you should paint the bottom of the glass plate or container with a blue color, which will help to simulate the water. After the paint dries, decorate the bottom with a foil. Place shells, fish, algae, stones and other objects in relation to your wishes on the bottom. Pour the entire container with liquid glass. Waiting for it to solidify. Then, if necessary, lay out other objects and also fill the container. To complement the decor, use polymer clay, which will be an excellent basis for modeling sea animals. Using a toothpick, make waves that will help to simulate water in the best way possible.
Decorate the glass on the door with your own hands: Instructions for how to do this
To turn a normal door into a real work of art, one of the following methods of decorating this element of the room should be used:

- With the help of stencils for decorating glass with your own hands, you will be able to create excellent drawings on the door, according to the given style of the interior. For this purpose you will need to choose a drawing or create it yourself, make a stencil and attach it to the door surface, apply paint to the surface. In this case, use paints to draw on the glass. In addition, pay attention to the choice of drawing color, preferably if it is one.
- A simple method of decorating glass on the door is to glue it with a special film for glass decoration. These films are distinguished by the presence of a variety of patterns, colors and shades, so when choosing this method, you can decorate the door of any room. In addition, this method is one of the cheapest and fastest in time. Keep in mind that the glueing edges and ends should avoid distorting and bending the film. Do not allow bubbles and irregularities to appear on the surface.
- Gluing photo wallpaper to glass will help to create a real picture on the surface of your door. At the same time, the second part of the door should also be glued with a film or photo wrapping. When choosing a picture, consider the individual characteristics of the room.
You can also buy stained glass birds to decorate your home with unusual figures.
Decorate glass with your own hands without paints
Creation of unusual glass bottles. Such a bottle can be installed in any room. However, the choice of paints for its design should be based on the style of the interior. To make a bottle, you will need to have it:
- glass bottle, jars or any utensils that are covered with a lid;
- fine salt;
- food colors;
- funnels;
- a container in which the salt will be stained.
The first stage of the work involves the process of painting salt. In the reservoir where the painting will be carried out, it is necessary to pour a little salt. In this case, in the water should be diluted food dye, which is added to the salt and changes its color. To replace the dye will help usual gouache paint. Mix the salt and the dye so that the mass becomes homogeneous in color. This way, the salt is colored in several colors that are selected in advance. Next, it is poured into individual containers and remains there until it is completely dry.